
    Our service

    Centre Testing International Co., Ltd. (CTI) is the pioneer and leader in the TIC Industry which provides one-stop solutions on testing, inspection, certification, calibration, audit, training & technical services.


    By Industry

    Our service capabilties cover the upstream and downstream of the supply chain including textile and apparel,toys,electronic appliances,medical health,food...andother industries.


    Comprehensively guarantee quality and safety, promote compliance and innovation, demonstrate brand competitiveness, and achieve higher quality, healthier, safer, and greener sustainable development.

    ESG Report Preparation Service

    CTI Certification can provide the integrated services for ESG report to customers with different needs, including report preparation, and guiding enterprises to carry out ESG related strategic planning, framework design and research; at the same time, it can meet the requirements of some listed companies on the quality of ESG reports, and provide third-party authentication services for ESG reports of listed companies; in view of the trend of gradual improvement of carbon emission disclosure standard in ESG report, CTI can provide ISO14064-1 special carbon emission service to listed companies, prepare carbon emission verification report of listed companies and issue corresponding certificates; for listed companies that need special environmental services, CTI can also provide ESG professional environmental services, such as environmental due diligence (policy research, EHS compliance, etc.), energy audit, carbon emission calculation, carbon neutrality services, water/waste/natural resource management consulting, etc.

    ESG Report Preparation Service

        Business challenges

    —The stock exchange of Hong Kong Limited compulsorily requires listed companies in Hong Kong to disclose relevant ESG information;

    —New disclosure requirements have been added to the exchange's disclosure guidelines (Rev. 2018), and the disclosure requirements for climate change/greenhouse gases have become stricter for each revision;

    —The quality of ESG report will directly affect the ESG rating results of listed companies, and then affect the investment decisions of financial market investors on the listed companies;

    —For the time being, mainland listed companies are not involved in the mandatory disclosure of ESG information, but more and more listed companies in main land release ESG reports to examine their own ESG performance to make preparation in advance for the mandatory disclosure of ESG information in the future.

        Service contents

    —CTI can provide integrated ESG report services to customers with different needs, including report preparation, and guiding enterprises to carry out ESG related strategic planning, framework design and research;

    —Meet the requirements of partial listed companies on the quality of ESG reports and provide third-party authentication services for ESG reports of listed companies;

    —In view of the trend of gradual improvement of carbon emission disclosure standard in ESG report, CTI can provide ISO14064-1 special carbon emission service for listed companies, prepare carbon emission verification report of listed companies and issue corresponding certificates;

    —For listed companies that need special environmental services, CTI can also provide ESG environmental professional services, such as environmental due diligence (policy research, EHS compliance, etc.), energy audit, carbon emission calculation, carbon neutralization services, water/waste/natural resource management consulting, etc.